With this class you'll be able to fade text in/out and cycle text to be displayed.
To better help you understand. I've attached two examples.
setTxt( "code me" ) & setInterFadeTxt( "a sandwich" )
This first 1 shows the fading between two text strings

setTxtAniam(...) Here I am using the items in the array

Ok on to the good stuff!
here I'm just extending JLabel and defining some variables that we need later
import javax.swing.JLabel; import java.awt.Color; public class AnimeJLabel extends JLabel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Color startColour; private Thread t; private boolean firstTime; private long waitTime; private boolean stopTxtAniamBool; private int StartR,StartG,StartB; private int MidR,MidG,MidB; private int EndR,EndG,EndB;
In the constructor you can
- set the colour of your text
- the background color of the label and
- *optional: the number of seconds the fade should take to complete.
public AnimeJLabel(Color startColour,Color endColour) { this(startColour,endColour,5); } public AnimeJLabel(Color startColour,Color endColour,int sec) { this.setForeground(startColour); this.startColour = startColour; StartR = startColour.getRed(); StartG = startColour.getGreen(); StartB = startColour.getBlue(); EndR = endColour.getRed(); EndG = endColour.getGreen(); EndB = endColour.getBlue(); firstTime = true; waitTime = sec * 1000; }
So after you create the label you can set text at anytime using this method.
you should note that this will stop the fade/animation. Then fade in the new text
public void setTxt(String txt) { MidR = StartR; MidG = StartG; MidB = StartB; stopT(); this.setForeground(startColour); this.setText(" "+txt); if( ! txt.equals(""))//if theres No text then there no need to blend { try { t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(waitTime); while(true == start2end_colour()){ Thread.sleep(10); } } catch(Exception ex){ //System.out.println("Error:Sleep"); //System.out.println(ex); } } }); t.start(); } catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println("Error:Nova_JLabel"); } } }
with the stopTxtAniam method you can stop the Label at any time.
An example; is if you are using the label to display a waiting message and then your done so you need to get rid of it.
public void stopTxtAniam(){ stopTxtAniamBool = true; }
Here are some utility methods that are frequency used throughout class
private void stopT() { if(false == firstTime){ t.interrupt(); } else{ firstTime = false; } } private void setPlaneTxt(String txt) { this.setText(" "+txt); }
Unlike "setText" this will allow the current text to fade out.. and then bring the new text in
public void setInterFadeTxt(final String txt) { stopT(); try { t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run(){ try { while(true == start2end_colour()){ Thread.sleep(2); } setPlaneTxt(txt); while(true == end2start_colour()){ Thread.sleep(2); } } catch(Exception ex){ } } }); t.start(); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error:CountDown"); } }
this is a very handy method that allows the label to act like a countdown timer.
this method is pretty much self explanatory. Just to clarify the "displayMessage" parameter will prefix timer
public void CountDown(int Sec){ CountDown(Sec,"","Finished"); } public void CountDown(final int Sec,final String displayMessage,final String endMessage) { stopT(); try { t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for(int i = Sec-1; 0<i; i--) { for(int ii = 100; 0<ii; ii-=2)//go up in 2 { setPlaneTxt(displayMessage +" "+i+"."+ii); Thread.sleep(20); } } setPlaneTxt(endMessage); } catch(Exception ex){ } } }); t.start(); } catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println("Error:CountDown"); } }
and here's where we get our lovely typewriter effect
you should note that the time is in milliseconds and represents the time between each array element.
public void setTxtAniam(final String [] txtArray, final long timeInMill) { stopTxtAniamBool = false; stopT(); try { t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { while(false == stopTxtAniamBool) { for(int i = 0; i<txtArray.length; i++) { if(false == stopTxtAniamBool)//will help to stop the aniam faster { setPlaneTxt(txtArray[i]); Thread.sleep(timeInMill); } } } while(true == start2end_colour()){ Thread.sleep(10); } } catch(Exception ex){ } } }); t.start(); } catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println("Error:setTxtAniam"); } }
here are just a methods that handles the colour transform
private boolean start2end_colour() { int intR = 0; int intG = 0; int intB = 0; this.setForeground(new Color(MidR,MidG,MidB)); if(MidR == EndR) { intR = 1; } else if(EndR>MidR) { MidR++; } else// if(EndR<MidR) { MidR--; } //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if(MidG == EndG) { intG = 1; } else if(EndG>MidG) { MidG++; } else// if(EndG<MidG) { MidG--; } //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if(MidB == EndB) { intB = 1; } else if(EndB>MidB) { MidB++; } else// if(EndB<MidB) { MidB--; } if(1 == intR && 1 == intB && 1 == intG) { return false; } else { return true; } }
private boolean end2start_colour() { int intR = 0; int intG = 0; int intB = 0; this.setForeground(new Color(MidR,MidG,MidB)); if(MidR == StartR) { intR = 1; } else if(StartR>MidR) { MidR++; } else// if(EndR>MidR) { MidR--; } //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if(MidG == StartG) { intG = 1; } else if(StartG>MidG) { MidG++; } else// if(EndG>MidG) { MidG--; } //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if(MidB == StartB) { intB = 1; } else if(StartB>MidB) { MidB++; } else// if(EndB>MidB) { MidB--; } if(1 == intR && 1 == intB && 1 == intG) { return false; } else { return true; } } }
If you end up using this in any projects/work. I would love to hear. ^_^